Saturday, February 2, 2013

Natural Cold and Flu Remedies

As we all know, the season for colds and flus are upon us. As I write this blog, I actually have the flu. Therefore, I thought you might like to know how you can naturally combat a cold or flu.However, I should state that if you have a cold that last longer then a week or continues to get worse please go see a doctor. These are some of the things I do when I get sick:

1.Staying Rested
Resting when you first come down with a cold or the flu helps your immune system with the battle. As we all know having the flu can be exhausting and draining. Therefore, it is okay to sleep.

2. Gargle
Gargling can moisten a sore throat and bring temporary relief. Try a teaspoon of salt dissolved in warm water, four times daily. To reduce the tickle in your throat, you can try an astringent gargle -- such as tea that contains tannin -- to tighten the membranes. Or use a thick, viscous gargle made with honey or a mixture of honey and apple cider vinegar, which is a popular folk remedy. Steep one tablespoon of raspberry leaves or lemon juice in two cups of hot water and mix in one teaspoon of honey. Let the mixture cool to room temperature before gargling. Just so all the parents know, you should should never give honey to children less than 1 year old.

3. Drink Hot Liquids
Hot liquids can relieve nasal congestion, help prevent dehydration, and soothe the uncomfortably inflamed membranes that line your nose and throat. My personal favorite hot drink is a cup of green tea with andioxidants that has a little bit of honey and lemon juice in it.

4. Steamy Showers
The steam from the shower helps to moisturize your nasal passages and relax you. If you're dizzy from the flu, you can still run a steamy shower, but it is best that you sit on a chair nearby and take a sponge bath. This prevents the likelihood of you slipping or even falling in the shower.

5. Vitamin C
I strongly recommend vitamin c even when you are not sick. It helps strengthen your immune system. This way your body is better equiped to combat illnesses. If like me you do not like orange juice, you can get vitamin c in pills or apple juice. If you decide to go with pills a recommend the 500mg chewables. The reason behind that is the other pills can leave a bit of an after taste in your mouth that is not too pleasant. You need to take two pills twice daily while you have the crud

6. Hot Toddy
I have a friend tell my parents about this. I do not know why but it works.  You mix1 shot glass of whiskey, 2 - 3 tablespoons honey and 1 - 2 tablespoons lemon juice.Combine the honey, whiskey, and lemon juice in a coffee cup and microwave just until it is hot around 30 seconds (but not too hot, you do not want to lose the alcohol in the whiskey!)" The first one you drink slowly, then make a second one and drink it fast then go to bed, cover up, and sweat it out! It sounds crazy but it works!

7. Ginger & Garlic
Ginger and garlic both clear up congestion and while helping to build up immunity. Both of these can be found in pill forms. I strongly recommend the odorless garlic. I get the 550mg of ginger root and 1000mg odorless garlic from my local health store, Jacks Natural Foods. I recommend taking 1 ginger and two garlic twice daily while you are sick.

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