Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Twilight New Moon

This is the sequel to Twilight and is also based on Stephenie Meyer's novel New Moon. This 130 minute movie finds Bella safe in bed having a dreamon what is her 18th birthday. In this dream Bella sees herself as an old lady. Bella expressed her unhappiness at growing older than her boyfriend, Edward. Who stop physically aging at 17. Alice throws Bella a birthday party at the house amongst the family. However, during the party while trying to unwrap Carlisle and Esme's gift Bella gets a paper cut. Jasper becomes so overwhelmed with the scent of her blood that he tries to kill her. Edward realizes the danger that he and his family could pose to Bella and as a result he completely ends the relationship. Edward and the rest of his family then move from Forks.
Bella becomes heartbroken and very depressed after Edward's breakup and departure. Charlie decides to send Bella to Jacksonville, FL to her mom. However, Bella refuses to go and agrees to start spending more time with her friends. After going to a zombie movie with Jessica, Bella sees a group of bikers. This reminds her of when Edward previously rescued her from an assault, and she sees his image warning her to stay away that it was dangerous. Bella discovers that all thrill-seeking activities evoke images of Edward's preserved image. She is also comforted by a deepening friendship with Jacob Black. Jacob helps to ease her pain over losing Edward. When Jacob suddenly begins avoiding her, Bella gets worse again. She then discovers he has become a werewolf, which is an age-old enemy to vampires. Jacob's pack members are on a constant patrol for Victoria, a vampire who wants to kill Bella just to avenge the death of her mate, James, by Edward's hand which leaves Jacob with very little time to spend with her. Bella returns to seeking thrill-inducing activities as a way to ease the pain

Through miscommunication, Edward believes that Bella has killed herself by jumping off a cliff into the ocean. Distraught over her supposed suicide, Edward then decides to travel to Italy to provoke the Volturi which is a powerful vampire coven that is fully capable of killing him. However, the Volturi decide he is too valuable as a vampire. However they will kill him only if he exposes himself  to humans as a vampire. Alice, Edward's sister, and Bella rush to Italy in hopes of saving Edward, and arrive just in the nic of time to stop him. It is then that Edward tells Bella that he has always loved her and only left to be able to protect her. However, the Volturi determine that Bella, a human who knows that vampires exist, must either be killed or transformed into a vampire herself. However, Alice stops the Volturi from trying to kill Bella by sharing her premonition with Aro, a Volturi elder who is able to read thoughts through a single touch, in which Bella has been transformed. Soon afterwards, they return back to Forks and Bella forgives Edward for leaving her. The Cullens vote in favor of Bella being transformed into a vampire, much to Edward and Rosalie's dismay. Later on, Jacob reminds Edward of the treaty that the Cullens made with the Quileute tribe: they will not attack each other, as long as the Cullens do not bite any humans. Which is an action necessary for Bella's transformation. This upsets Bella causing her to tell Jacob that he had no right to interfer and that it is her choice. The movie concludes with Edward telling Bella that he will change her into a vampire, but only if she marries him first.

I must say that I enjoy the chemistry that happens on screen between Isabella "Bella" Swan and Jacob Black. Showing Bella a glimpse of how things could be if Edward was not around. She also admits to Jacob that she loves him near the end of this movie.

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