Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Baby Avery

I do not know about you but I have been following the story about Baby Avery. She is a beautiful little girl who was diagnosed with an incurable genetic disease and  then as if that was not bad enough her parents were then  that she would not only lose her your ability to be able to walk and move her arms, but that she would die between now and the next 18 months. Most parents would admit defeat and start preparing for the worst. However, I like that Avery's parent's decided to make the most of every second they had with her. They started a bucketlist blog  called Avery's Bucket List. This wonderful, cheerful happy and beautiful little girl never let her disease get the better of her. I found it wonderful that this little bundle of joy was able to experience so much life in the short 5 and a half months she was here with us. She got to do a lot more then some people every get to.
However, I would love to see the last goal Avery which was to help raise the remaining $365,000 (out of $1 million) that is needed to bring Dr. Kaspar's SMA Gene Therapy program out of the lab and into her SMA friends.  Dr. Kaspar's SMA Gene Therapy could help cure Avery's friends or at the very least offer some  advancements towards a cure for them that they did not have before. There is a link to be able to help donate to this cause at Avery's blog. The link is http://averycan.blogspot.com/.
May this sweet child, Avery Lynn Canahuati, rest in peace in heaven. I also want to extend my deepest condolences to the Canahuati Family and all of this little girls friends as well.

Photo of Baby Avery and information courtesy of Avery's Bucket List found at http://averycan.blogspot.com/

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