Tuesday, July 24, 2012

5 foods not safe for your child

I read an article about the 5 foods worst foods to feed your baby. I must say I was startlied by some of the items on this list. It stated that eating junk foods were more damaging to a baby than to an adult. This is because the junk food lacks proper nutrients that your growing child requires which can hinder their overall development. These five terrible foods are soda, juice, crackers, processed meats, and gelatin desserts. I am just as guilty as most mothers of giving some of these things to my children.

The sodas are loaded with tons of sugars which can wreck havoc on your child's teeth. Sodas also have different types of caramel and coloring that are harsh on an adults systems and can be even harder on a child's system.

Juice even if it comes from fruit or vegetables but it does not mean that it is any healthier. The fiber and most nutrients are lost in the juicing process. All that is left behind is a lot of sugar. It also is not good to use juices to sweeten your child's food. This is because the sugars make the food pass to quickly causing the nutrients to not have enough time to be absorbed. This can then lead to some babies having diarrhea. Babies can get enough Vitamin C from one small serving of fruit.

The AAP or better known as the American Academy of Pediatricsrecommends children younger than 6 months drink nothing but either breast milk or formula. children between the ages of 6 months to a year can have small amounts of water but breast milk or formula still should be your childs main source of drink. After your child's first birthday, cow's milk is recommended.

Crackers make great convenient snacks once your liittle tyke has teeth and can bite and chew. However it does not take many to fill your little one up. Just like eating sweet things can cause your little one to develop a major sweet tooth, eating salty things can lead to a "salty tooth."

The goldfish crackers that our kids love fall under this category. They are filled with a lot of empty calories and no nutrition. Fruit slices are a better choice. Another good choice for your growing baby is the diced fruits offers by Gerber. You can get them dried in a bag or fresh in a jar.

Processed meals are defined by people in many different ways. The more the foods are modified from the original or the longer the list of ingredients than the more processed the foods are. The more the food is processed the less nutritional the food actually is.

The worst processed food that we as parents serve are little ones is canned pasta. These cans that are not specifically meant for our children contain way too much sodium for them. If youy want to serve your cute litte tyke pasta, it is much better to boil some pasta and top it with a little crushed tomatoes.

Gelatin desserts are also not good for our children. This was a big shocker to me. Gelatin desserts like Jello are nearly all sugar, artificial coloring and artificial flavoring. It is true that gelatin is easy to shallow. However a healthier dessert for your little one is a baked, mashed apple with a little bit of cinnamon sprinkled on top. This is because apples are naturally sweet and provide a good source of fiber and vitamins for your baby.

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