Saturday, June 30, 2012

10 Things I Hate About You

This movie is a modernization version of Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew. The movie is titled after a poem written by the film's leading lady Julia Stiles to describe her bittersweet romance with the male lead Ledger. The film was released back on March 31, 1999, and it was a breakout success for stars Stiles and Ledger.

Cameron James (Gordon-Levitt), a new student at Padua Stadium High School, is given a tour of the school by Michael Eckman (Krumholtz), an A.V. geek. During the tour, Cameron notices the beautiful and popular Bianca Stratford (Oleynik) and he is immediately smitten with her. Michael warns Cameron that Bianca is shallow and conceited, and that her father does not allow her to date. However, Michael does inform Cameron that Bianca is looking for a French tutor.

At the Stratford residence, Bianca's outcast older sister, Kat (Stiles), is in conflict with their overprotective father (Miller), who wants Kat to attend college nearby despite her acceptance to Sarah Lawrence College. Bianca is also fighting with their father regarding his strict no-dating rule. Kat's aversion to dating prompts their father to come up with a new rule, to Bianca's fury: Bianca can only date if Kat is also dating.

Cameron starts tutoring Bianca (despite knowing little French himself). After Cameron makes a failed attempt to ask her out on a date, she informs him of her father’s rule. This motivates Cameron and Michael to find a boy who is willing to date Kat.

Cameron suggests Patrick Verona (Ledger), another outcast who is just as ill-tempered as Kat. Cameron tries asking Patrick for his assistance, but Patrick scares him off. Michael suggests that Joey Donner (Keegan), an affluent student and model who also wants to date Bianca, pay Patrick to take Kat out. Patrick agrees, but Kat wants nothing to do with him. After a little effort, Patrick gets Kat to attend a party with him, but rejects her advances, leaving her angered and unwilling to talk to him. At the party, Bianca sees Cameron but is dragged away by Joey. He poses and tries to please her when Bianca realizes he is just obsessed with himself. The next day, Patrick eventually wins Kat over with a performance of "Can't Take My Eyes Off You" in front of her entire soccer team. They become a couple, but Kat remains unaware that Patrick was paid to date her. Meanwhile, Cameron continues to pursue Bianca, but she remains interested in Joey, unaware that he plans to use her only for sex.

Bianca tries to convince her father to let her attend the prom with Joey, but he refuses because Kat is not going to the prom. When Bianca confronts Kat, it is revealed that Kat previously dated Joey and they slept together once since "everyone was doing it". She tells Bianca that her feelings of isolation from her fellow students dated from that incident and that she would never again do anything just because it was the popular thing to do.

Bianca and Kat end up going to the prom with Cameron and Patrick, respectively. Joey is furious to learn that Bianca has gone to the prom with Cameron, and confronts Patrick about the "arrangement" in front of Kat. Kat is very angry at Patrick when she discovers the truth and she leaves him at the prom. Joey subsequently confronts Cameron about manipulating the "deal" for himself and knocks him to the floor, but Bianca punches Joey numerous times for using her, for hurting Kat's feelings, and for punching Cameron. Bianca and Cameron share a kiss and leave Joey lying on the floor in pain.

The next morning, Kat and Bianca's relationship appears to have improved drastically as Bianca attempts to comfort her older sister. Their father allows Kat to go to Sarah Lawrence College; she is extremely grateful and hugs him with happiness. Later at school, Kat reads a poem which she wrote for English class, titled "I Hate", revealing her true feelings for Patrick. He is shown to be touched by her revelation. After school, Kat finds a guitar in her car that Patrick bought her with the money that Joey paid him, and he admits that he messed up his and Joey's deal by falling for her. Kat forgives Patrick and the two reconcile with a kiss.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is a romantic comedy that is loaded with stars. I was surprized at how many stars were in this movie. It kept me on the edge of my seat. I loved it. I will admit though that this is a huge chick flick movie.
It is Valentine's Day and florist Reed Bennett (Ashton Kutcher) proposes to his girlfriend Morley Clarkson (Jessica Alba), who accepts. Reed’s closest friends, Alfonso Rodriguez (George Lopez) and Julia Fitzpatrick (Jennifer Garner), aren't surprised when Morley changes her mind and leaves Reed the same day. On an airplane to Los Angeles, Kate Hazeltine (Julia Roberts), a captain in the U.S. Army on a one-day leave, befriends Holden Wilson (Bradley Cooper). When the plane lands and Kate has to wait hours for the taxi, Holden offers his limousine, which Kate accepts.
Julia, an elementary school teacher, has fallen in love with Dr. Harrison Copeland (Patrick Dempsey), but does not know that he is married to Pamela (Katherine LaNasa). Harrison tells her that he needs to go to San Francisco for a business trip. Wanting to surprise him, Julia also flies to San Francisco, despite Reed's warnings. Julia finds out that he is married and gets the name of the restaurant where he and his wife will be dining that evening. The restaurant's owner allows her to dress as a waitress, and Julia makes a scene at the restaurant, making Pamela suspicious. One of Julia’s students, Edison (Bryce Robinson), orders flowers from Reed, to be sent to his teacher. Julia suggests to Edison to give the flowers to a girl named Rani in his class who has a crush on him.
Edison's babysitter Grace Smart (Emma Roberts) is planning to lose her virginity to her boyfriend Alex Franklin (Carter Jenkins). The planned encounter goes awry when Grace's mother discovers a naked Alex in Grace's room, rehearsing a song he wrote for Grace. Edison’s grandparents, Edgar (Héctor Elizondo) and Estelle Paddington (Shirley MacLaine) are facing the troubles of a long marriage. Estelle admits to Edgar about an affair she had with one of his business partners. Although she is deeply sorry, Edgar is very upset. Grace’s high school friends, Willy Harrington (Taylor Lautner) and Felicia Miller (Taylor Swift), are experiencing the freshness of new love, and have agreed to wait to have sex.
Sean Jackson (Eric Dane), a closeted gay professional football player, is contemplating the end of his career with his publicist Kara Monahan (Jessica Biel) and his agent Paula Thomas (Queen Latifah). Kara is organizing her annual "I Hate Valentine's Day" party, but becomes interested in sports reporter Kelvin Moore (Jamie Foxx), who was ordered to do a Valentine's Day report by his boss Susan Moralez (Kathy Bates), and who shares Kara's hatred of the holiday. Paula has hired a new receptionist named Liz Curran (Anne Hathaway), who dates mail-room clerk Jason Morris (Topher Grace). Jason is shocked when Liz turns out to be moonlighting as a phone sex operator. Liz explains that she is only doing this because she has a $100,000 student loan to pay off. Jason is upset, but eventually reconciles with her after seeing Edgar forgive Estelle.
Sean comes out on national television, and Holden, Sean's lover, goes back to him. Kate goes home to greet her son Edison. Willy drops Felicia off at home after a date and they kiss. Kelvin and Kara hang out at Kelvin's news station where they later kiss. Alfonso dines with his wife, and Grace and Alex agree to wait to have sex. Edgar and Estelle redo their marriage vows, Harrison eats pizza alone after Pamela leaves him, and Morley tries to call Reed, while Julia and Reed begin a romantic relationship.

Abduction the Movie

This was a star studded movie. I strongly recommend you get a copy of this movie to watch. I also like the soundtrack to Abduction. Here is what Abduction is about I hope you like it as much as I did.
Nathan Harper (Taylor Lautner) is an 18-year old who lives with his "parents", Kevin (Jason Isaacs) and Mara (Maria Bello). He has been having recurring nightmares throughout most of his youth, and was recommended by his school counselor to consult psychiatrist Dr. Geraldine "Geri" Bennett (Sigourney Weaver), to discover why.
During sociology class one morning, Nathan is partnered with his next-door neighbor and longtime friend Karen Murphy (Lily Collins) for a school assignment about missing children.
While doing the homework together, Karen finds a website that, through age-progression technology, shows what children would look like as they got older. Nathan discovers that a boy named Steven Price, aged approximately 3 years when photographed 15 years ago, would look exactly like him in the present day.
He goes to the basement, where his childhood items are kept and also finds the same shirt that 4-year-old Steven in the picture is wearing. With the confirmation of a particular stain on that shirt's sleeve, he suddenly realizes that he and Steven are the same person.
Very curious and interested now, Nathan contacts the website's operator, unaware that the operator is actually a Serbian terrorist. The man reports the call back to his commander, Nikola Kozlow (Michael Nyqvist), who deploys two agents to Nathan's house. They attack Nathan's parents, who yell at him to run, before being murdered themselves. During the attack process, the house is destroyed by a bomb and Nathan and Karen escape the blast by jumping into the pool. They attempt to call the police, but the call is intercepted by CIA operative Frank Burton (Alfred Molina), who tells Nathan that he's in danger. Frank then immediately sends a team to hunt him down.
But before that team arrives, "Psychiatrist" Dr. Bennett appears and tells Nathan that agent Burton cannot be trusted and advises Nathan to go with her instead. During the car trip, she reveals that Nathan's biological father, Martin (Dermot Mulroney) (whose face we never actually get to see in totality), is an ex-CIA agent who stole a list from Kozlow with the names of corrupt CIA operatives and agents. Kozlow had purposely created the website in order to locate Nathan and use him as a bargaining chip to force Martin to return that list.
Having intercepted Nathan's call, Kozlow's men now appear on the scene. Dr. Bennett tells Nathan to memorize a safe-house address in Arlington, Virginia and to make a dash for it. Before they leave, Dr. Bennett warns him that he can only trust his father and another man named Paul Rasmus. The two fugitives jump out of Dr. Bennett's moving car and, to facilitate their escape as well as her own, the psychiatrist creates a diversion for the Serbian pursuers by causing several fuel drums to blow up at a road-construction site.
Nathan and Karen arrive at the safe house where Nathan finds his (real) father's cellphone, including a photo and an address of his biological mother, Lorna Price (Elisabeth Röhm). The two youths discover that she is dead. They then proceed to visit her grave and Karen notices that fresh flowers had been placed at her tombstone. So together the couple go to nearby caretaker's office, where Karen plies her feminine charms and asks about any recent cemetery visitors. Mollified, the caretaker reveals that the last visitor was a Paul Rasmus from Nebraska. Nathan and Karen then elatedly purchase a train ticket and head to Nebraska.
But Kozlow's right-hand man follows them by also boarding the same train, armed with a roll of duct tape in his pocket. When Karen leaves to get food, he kidnaps her, ties her up and goes back to their cabin to engage Nathan in a fight. Nathan eventually overpowers the Serbian and throws the man off the train. But not before he grabs his phone.
Meanwhile, Karen manages to free herself, using glass shards to cut the sticky duct tape from her mouth. She then runs back to the cabin to reunite with Nathan. Nathan pulls the train's emergency braking system. The train comes to a halt. They step off the train and run into the forest, with the train's protesting officials in a half-hearted pursuit.
Agent Burton and his men come across the Serbian's ejected body at the railroad tracks, and initiate a chase for the two young fugitives who he says couldn't have gotten too far away. The CIA agents manage to catch up with the two in the woods and agent Burton convinces them that the CIA just wants to help. He coaxes the two by inviting them for a burger and a shake at a nearby diner. At the restaurant, Burton reveals to Nathan about the meaning of the encrypted list on his father's phone and which he had taken with him from the safe house in Virginia.
Nathan now furtively checks the phone and sees the encrypted list scroll by on the screen. (The list also happens to contain CIA agent Burton's name.) But before Burton can react, Kozlow's men attack the diner with a barrage of bullets from assault rifles, killing several of Burton's men.
During the melee, Burton and his partner, Agent Burns (Antonique Smith) fire back and kill all of Kozlow's men, and Nathan and Karen happen to escape. Now the cellphone of Kozlow's partner-in-crime rings. Nathan answers it. Kozlow threatens that he plans to kidnap Karen's parents and will kill them if Nathan doesn't give him the list. Nathan agrees, but says that he will choose the time and place of the exchange himself. Kozlow agrees.
By this time, Nathan realizes that his nightmares had been due to repressed memories of his mother Lorna being murdered by Kozlow, while she was trying to protect him. (The murder scene at the beginning of the movie, with him hiding under the bed at the age of 3, witnessing it all -- now becomes clear to him.)
Nathan's plan is to give Kozlow the list at a Pittsburgh Pirates baseball game, but he tells Karen that he actually intends to kill Kozlow with the gun he had found in the same drawer as his mother's photo. But now he suddenly receives a call from his real father, Martin, who is also at the stadium. Martin warns him not to give Kozlow the list under any circumstances. But Nathan ignores his advice, and reaches for the gun to shoot Kozlow. However, the Serbian had outwitted Nathan by stealing Nathan's gun and now forces Nathan to hand over the list.
Nathan eludes Kozlow and escapes by sliding down a glass escalator's roof, with Kozlow in heavy pursuit. But Martin calls Nathan on his cell and tells him to lure Kozlow to an open area outside the stadium. Nathan does so, and at the very moment when Kozlow prepares to kill Nathan, Martin kills Kozlow with a precise sniper shot through the heart, fired from a nearby parking garage.
Agent Burton's men appear on the scene and surround Nathan. Burton tells his boss that he will hand over the list after it has been decrypted at CIA headquarters. But his superior reveals that Martin has warned them that Burton would attempt that very thing in order to remove his own name. They detain Burton for a thorough "debriefing".
Martin then calls Nathan one last time and apologizes for not having been around to be a true "Dad" to him, but that he will always be watching over Nathan. Nathan reunites with Karen and Dr. Bennett, who tells him that she has arranged for him to live with her until he graduates. After that, he can move out to attend college or follow any of his other dreams. Nathan thanks her and finally leaves with Karen for a long-overdue actual date. The story ends with the two of them sitting inside an empty stadium which they now have all to themselves.

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes getting Divorced

Katie Holmes has filed for divorce from Tom Cruise  citing "irreconcilable differences." Holmes is asking for sole legal and primary residential custody of Suri, the couple's 6 year old daughter. According to Tom Cruise's sources he did not see the divorce coming. "This is a personal and private matter for Katie and her family," Holmes' attorney Jonathan Wolfe told People. "Katie's primary concern remains, as it always has been, her daughter's best interest."  Tom Cruise's rep issued a statement this afternoon (via Gossip Cop): “Kate has filed for divorce and Tom is deeply saddened and is concentrating on his three children. Please allow them their privacy.” I hope that the divorce can be settled as easily as possible for the children involved. Because divorce is always hardest on the kids. 

Adele is expecting!

British singer Adele has announced the pregnancy of her and boyfriend, Simon Konecki, first child.  The 24 year old singer does ask that we the fans and press respect their privacy during this personal time. Simon has a five year old daughter from a previous marriage. However, this is Adele's first child. I wish the happy couple all the best and my deepest congratulations on the upcoming birth of their child.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

No strings attached movie

This is a hilarious film that came out in 2011. It stars Natalie Portman and Ashton Kutcher. It is an adult movie with the R rating and strong sexual content. The movie shows what can and usually does happen in a friends with benefits relationship. It is a great movie and is a bit unpredictable.  I most definitly recommend this feel good romantic comedy

After first meeting at a summer camp as teenagers, Emma (Natalie Portman) and Adam (Ashton Kutcher) run into each other over the next few years but never managed to stay in regular contact. Emma is now a resident at a Los Angeles hospital and Adam is a production assistant for a musical TV show. Adam's father (Kevin Kline), a former TV star, has begun a relationship with Adam's ex-girlfriend, Vanessa (Ophelia Lovibond), which leads Adam to get drunk and call every woman in his phone seeking a hookup. The next day, he wakes to find that he text-messaged Emma and had come to the house she shares with some other residents, including her best friend Patrice (Greta Gerwig). Emma leads Adam to her bedroom to retrieve his pants, where the two of them wind up having sex.
Because of both her belief that no two people were meant to be together forever and the pressures of her job, Emma proposes they have casual sex with each other before setting some ground rules to prevent their relationship from becoming too serious. At first things go well, but then Adam starts becoming jealous of the possibility of Emma being with another doctor, Sam (Ben Lawson). Although denying he is jealous, Adam starts presenting her with gifts, which she rebuffs.
Adam becomes more distraught when his father invites him to dinner with Vanessa on sanoop’s birthday, where they announce they’re planning to have a baby together. Emma, who accompanied Adam to the dinner, berates the couple while defending Adam. Adam eventually convinces her to go out with him on a date on Valentine’s Day. Things come to a head when Emma starts becoming too uncomfortable about being on a date with Adam. Adam tells Emma he loves her, but she grows angry, telling him he should go out with another woman who 'isn't going to hurt you'. Adam drops Emma off at her hospital and drives off.
Six weeks later, a script Adam had written for his show is being filmed, and Adam gets a regular writing job on the show thanks to the help of Lucy (Lake Bell), the top assistant to the show's creator who makes it clear she's attracted to him. Emma, meanwhile, has become distraught at not being with Adam, which is compounded by her younger sister Katie's (Olivia Thirlby) wedding the next day and her widowed mother (Talia Balsam) arriving with a new boyfriend.
Emma tries calling Adam, but Adam rebuffs her on the phone. Emma realizes she wants to be with him, and drives down to his home. Adam, however, arrives home with Lucy, whom Emma takes to be Adam's new girlfriend. Emma tearfully starts driving back to the wedding. Before Adam and Lucy can have sex, Vanessa calls Adam—his father is in the hospital, having overdosed on Purple Drank. Arriving at the hospital, Vanessa confesses that she doesn't want to be with an older man and that she's scared of old people. She dumps her dog off on Adam and leaves for a party. Adam talks to his father and chastises him, but tells him he'll call the next day.
On the way out, Adam calls Emma back. Adam angrily tells Emma she needs to have the conversation she wants in person – which she does; Emma’s friend and resident Shira (Mindy Kaling) noticed Adam's father arriving and called Emma. Adam and Emma reconcile, and after a morning of eating breakfast, they go together to Emma’s sister’s wedding. Emma asks, "So, what happens now?" and Adam silently holds her hand. The film concludes with a montage of events including Adam's father and Lucy having dinner as a new couple, Patrice dating Adam's roommate Eli and meeting his same-sex parents, an arrogant resident who Emma left for Adam telling Shira he thinks they should date other people (and Shira bluntly telling him she's been seeing other people during their entire relationship), the resident deciding to experiment with Shira's gay roommate, Katie going into labor, Vanessa looking horrified as she's stuck in an elevator packed with senior citizens, and Adam and Emma being happy together as a couple.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Children's cold medicines and deaths related to cold meds

I was watching an episode of America Now yesterday. I found it very fasinating. However, they were talking about children's cold medicines and being a mom this caught my attention. According to a recent study that was done, three children die a year from cough medicine. It is unclear if it is from overdosing, an allergic reaction to the medicine or what. It is recommended that we treat or child's colds the old fashioned way. This would be by giving them chicken noodle soup, water and letting them get lots of rest. This old fashioned and tested remedy has always worked for ages.

Joyful Noise Movie

After the untimely death of a small-town church choir director (Kris Kristofferson) in Georgia, Vi Rose Hill (Latifah), a no-nonsense mother raising two teens alone, takes control of the choir using the traditional Gospel style that their Pastor Dale (Courtney B. Vance) approves of. However, the director's widow, G. G. Sparrow (Parton), the main benefactor to the church, believes she should have been given the position. As in previous years, the choir reaches the regional finals of the national amateur "Joyful Noise" competition, only to be disappointed when a rival choir beats them. Tough times in the town have led to budget problems that threaten to close down the choir, at the same time as the town needs the choir's inspiring music more than ever.
Vi Rose has a son, Walter (Dexter Darden), who has Asperger syndrome, and a talented, pretty and ready-to-date daughter, Olivia (Keke Palmer). But not ready to date under her mothers household rules. G. G. has recently begun caring for her rebellious, drifter grandson, Randy (Jeremy Jordan). A romance blossoms between Olivia and Randy, which is strongly opposed by Vi Rose. Olivia also has a rival suitor, Manny (Paul Woolfolk). At Randy's urging, G. G., Olivia and most of the choir come to believe that some more contemporary arrangements (prepared by Randy) would be more successful for the choir. It also turns out that the choir has a chance at the national finals of the competition when the rival choir is found to have cheated by hiring professionals. But the pastor says that the church will not sponsor the choir unless they continue to use their reverent, traditional style.
Vi Rose's husband, Marcus (Jesse L. Martin), enlisted in the army after having trouble finding work at home, but his prolonged absence has saddened his family and causes additional tension between Vi Rose and Olivia. Meanwhile, a vivacious member of the choir who choreographs their routines, Earla (Angela Grovey), after a long dry stretch, finds passion first with Mr. Hsu (Francis Jue), whose weak heart gives way by morning, and later with Justin (Roy Huang). The town's tough times forces another choir member, Caleb (Andy Karl), and his family out of business. Vi Rose and G. G. come to blows in a confrontation, Olivia's frustration with her mother boils over, and G. G. threatens Pastor Dale with disendowing the church if the choir is not allowed to compete in the finals with the new arrangements.
During the movie Randy befriends Walter and begins to teach him how to play the piano. One day, while at the waterfall Randy hangs out at Manny arrives. Randy and Manny begin to fight over Olivia ending with Walter giving Manny a bloody nose. When returning home Walter brags to Vi Rose about the fight. Angered by the news, she throws out Randy and tells him to leave her family alone.
The choir travels to Los Angeles for the final, feeling very unsettled. Vi Rose and Olivia have a fight and Vi Rose slaps Olivia. Tough competition presents itself in the form of a choir made up of cute pre-teens, with a charismatic young soloist (Ivan Kelley Jr.). But Vi Rose, G. G., Olivia and Randy pull the choir together and they give a rousing performance, using the new arrangements and choreography, capturing first place. The choir returns to town in triumph, Marcus comes home to his family, Vi Rose tacitly gives in to the inevitable relationship between Olivia and Randy, and all ends happily. Earla and Justin get married just as Marcus comes back.

This is a wonderful movie. I strongly recommend this film. Most of the critics did not like this movie at all. However, after watching it for myself I feel that these critics are just crazy and do not know a good wholesome movie. There is a little bit of language in this movie but all in all i was an excellent movie.

Twilight Saga EW cover

This weeks cover of Entertainment Weekly is a must have for all Twilight Saga fans. You may be asking, why is that? It is because this week's cover has Edward, Bella, their daughter Reneesme and Jacob. It also includes a story about Breaking Dawn part 2 which is due out in theaters on November 18, 2012. I recommend it for the twilight fans. It is a must have and read.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Father's Day playlist

This is a list of songs that talk about fathers and our relationships with them. This would be an excellent playlist for the big day. 

Temptations - Papa was a Rollin' Stone
Eddie Fisher - Oh My Papa
Donna Fargo - Daddy
Clarence Carter - Patches
Elvis Presley - Don't Cry Daddy
The Monkees - Daddy's Song
James Brown - Papa's Got a Brand New Bag
Will Smith - Just the Two of Us
Madonna- Papa Don't Preach
Luther Vandross - Dance With My Father
Paul Simon - Father and Daughter
Queen - Father and Son
Bob Dylan - Forever Young
Randy Travis & Kenny Chesney - He Walked On Water
Craig Campbell - Family Man
Big Kenny - Long After I'm Gone
Sawyer Brown - The Walk
Daniel Smith - Man Like Me
Gary Allan - Tough Little Boys
Collin Raye - I Think About You
Dierks Bentley - My Last Name
Eric Church - Sinners Like Me
Blaine Larsen - The Best Man
Trace Adkins - Just Fishin'
Rodney Atkins - Watching You
Kenny Chesney - There Goes My Life
Ty Herndon - Hands of a Working Man
Bucky Covington - A Father's Love (The Only Way He Knew How)
Billy Ray Cyrus - Ready, Set, Don't Go
Holly Dunn - Daddy's Hands
Collin Raye - She's With Me
Craig Morgan - Lotta Man (In That Little Boy)
Pat Green - Dixie Lullaby
Brad Paisley - Anything Like Me
Billy Yates - Daddy’s Radio
Jack Ingram - Measure Of A Man
Alan Jackson - Drive (For Daddy Gene)
Jamey Johnson - The Dollar
Brooks & Dunn - Proud of the House We Built
Darrell Scott - A Father's Song
Lonestar - Mr. Mom
Lonestar - My Front Porch Looking In
Tim McGraw - My Little Girl
Brad Paisley - He Didn't Have To Be
Reba McEntire - The Greatest Man I Never Knew
George Strait - Love Without End, Amen
Conway Twitty - That's My Job
Carrie Underwood - All-American Girl
Keith Urban - Song For Dad
Chuck Wicks - Stealing Cinderella
Marty Raybon - Daddy Phone
Trace Adkins - You're Gonna Miss This
Jeff Carson - Butterfly Kisses
Rodney Atkins - My Old Man
Heartland - I Loved Her First
Tracy Lawrence - Til I Was A Daddy Too
Dolly Parton - To Daddy
Paul Overstreet - Seein' My Father In Me
Darius Rucker - It Won't Be Like This For Long
Lonestar - I'm Already There
Lonestar - My Front Porch Looking In
Chase Rice - My Old Man
George Strait - So Much Like My Dad
Reba McEntire - The Greatest Man I Ever Knew
Doug Supernaw - I Don't Call Him Daddy
Randy Travis - He Walked On Water
Zac Brown Band - Highway 20 Ride
Keni Thomas - That One Is My Dad
Lee Roy Parnell - Daddies and Daughters
Jace Everett - Between A Father And A Son
Derek Sholl - Cat's In The Cradle
Craig Morgan - Walking In My Father's Shoes
Chris Young - It Takes A Man
Alabama - In Pictures
Alan Jackson - Home
Billy Ray Cyrus - Busy Man
Andy Griggs - If Heaven
Billy Currington - Walk A Little Straighter
Billy Dean - Let Them Be Little
Trace Adkins - Then They Do
High Valley - The Only Way He Knew How
Travis Rush - You'll Find Your Way
Toby Keith - My List
Travis Tritt - I See Me
Blake Shelton - When Somebody Knows You That Well

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Vow

The Vow is based on the actual relationship of Kim and Krickitt Carpenter, who wrote a book about their marriage, also known as The Vow. Ten weeks after their wedding on 18 September 1993, the couple was in an automobile accident in which Krickitt suffered brain trauma, which erased memories of her romance with Kim as well as their recent marriage. Kim, however, was still madly in love with his wife, although she viewed him as a stranger after the accident. According to the couple, their faith in Jesus and their wedding vows before God kept them together.
Paige Collins (Rachel McAdams) and her husband Leo (Channing Tatum) come out of a movie theater. On their way home, at a stop sign, Paige unbuckles her seatbelt to lean over and kiss Leo. At that very moment, a truck rams their car from behind and Paige crashes through the windshield. Both of them are rushed to the emergency room, and as Leo, in a voice-over talks about how "moments of impact help in finding who we are" the movie cuts to how Paige and Leo first met. The scenes of how they courted, proposed and married are interwoven with the present.
When Paige regains her consciousness, she thinks Leo is her doctor, having lost all memories of the past few years. When her parents, Bill and Rita Thornton, learn about this and visit her, it is the first time that Leo meets them. Paige does not understand why she left law school, broke her engagement with her previous fiancé, Jeremy, and why she has not been in touch with her family and friends. Her parents insist on taking her home with them and Paige agrees, assuming she might have married Leo for some mutual benefit and seeks evidence for the marriage. Just as she's about to leave, Leo comes running to play her a voice message in which she sounds very happy and romantic. Paige decides to go back with Leo, hoping it will help her regain her lost memory. Paige is welcomed home with a surprise party by her friends, but as she is not able to remember any of them, she finds it overwhelming and bursts out in anger.
The next day Paige ventures out to her regular cafe but does not remember having been there and loses her way back. She calls her mother because she does not know or remember Leo's number. That evening Leo and Paige are invited for dinner by her parents. At the dinner and in the bar later, Leo does not fit in with her family and friends. He persists in his attempts to help her regain her memory, but Paige is more driven to learning why she left law school and broke her engagement to Jeremy. During the course of one encounter with Jeremy, she kisses him. Her doctor advises her to fill the holes in her memory rather than be afraid of her past. With her sister Gwen's wedding approaching, Paige decides to stay with her parents until the wedding. Though Leo asks her out on a date and spends a night with her, the relationship is further strained when Paige's dad tries to persuade Leo to divorce his daughter, and by Leo punching Jeremy for talking about chances to bed his wife.
Paige rejoins law school and Leo signs divorce papers. At a store, she meets an old friend who, unaware of her amnesia, apologizes for having had a relationship with Paige's dad, thus alerting Paige as to why she had left her family. When she confronts her mother about this, Rita tells her that she decided to stay with Bill for all the things he had done right instead of leaving him for one wrong act. Paige then asks Leo why he never told her, and he replies he wanted to earn her love instead of driving her away from her parents. Paige, while in class, starts sketching; thus depicting how she first left law school. She continues her interest in art, eventually returning to sculpting and drawing. Though Jeremy confesses he broke up with his present girlfriend, hoping to be back with her, she turns him down stating she needs to know what life would be without him.
As seasons change, Leo, in a voiceover, talks about "moments of impact and ripple effects where some particles are brought closer and some are spun off into great adventures". Back in her room, Paige finds the menu card on which she had written her wedding vows and is deeply moved. The movie ends with Paige waiting for Leo at their regular Cafe Mnemonic and going with him to try a new place instead of their regular alternative, a Cuban place.