Sunday, April 15, 2012

Hard Times And Ways of Getting By

    Why is it that it seems we all know at one person that is never satistified? Then when that individual calls to talk to you all they want to do is complaiing, Those people need to learn that life is not always going to be sunshine, roses and butterflies. Life is meant to be hard at times. Therefore, it makes everyday that is easy and laid back more enjoyable and more of a blessing. People need to remember that you may have it bad but I can be sure that there is someone in this world that has it worse than you or me.
    Times have gotten hard for tons of Americans because of the economic recession we are in. There are those that have been laid-off or even  fired due to company cut backs as a result. The prices of gas has been on the raise again. It is getting to where it is too expensive to be able to just survive.
     The mormons tell their people to have a well supplied pantry or food storage area and also a 72 hour kit. I believe one of the easiest to understand plans for food storage can be found here at It contains some interesting interest. If a diaster hit then that is where your 72 hour kit comes into play at. There is a good printable list of supplies to have in a 72 hour kit. the link for that is

Mortal Kombat Party & Movie Viewing

I was able to have a Mortal Kombat party at my house Friday night. We kept  it just us and a few close friends. It went wonderful. Both the movies were better than I had remembered them being. My favorite character in the movies in Kitana. However, my favorite character in the video game is Sindel. We found out from talking to a friend of ours that night, that there is another Mortal Kombat. The name of this new Mortal Kombat is Mortal Kombat Legacy. Therefore, I am going to try to find a copy of it. I was told it is even better then the first two Mortal Kombat movies and love them. So I'll have to keep you updated on what I find out.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

The 2010 movie Robin Hood

   This movie was directed by Ridley Scott, who is the same man who directed "Gladiator." This moie finds Ridley and Russell Crowe reunited again and as such proves to be a good movie.
    In this movie, it is 1199 and Robin Longstride (played by Russell Crowe) is just a common archer in King Richard the Lionheart's (played by Danny Huston) army. He is a veteran of the Third Crusade and Richard's war against Phillip II of France, he now takes part in the siege against Chalus Castle. Disillusioned and war-weary, he believes the King when he invites him to give an honest view of the war and the King's conduct. However, after Robin gives a very blunt and unflattering appraisal, King Richard immediately breaks his promise to Robin of no repercussions for speaking honestly and has Robin and all of his comrades taken prisoner to be judged after the end of the siege. The betrayed men then decide to free themselves and desert the king. Following the death of the King, Robin and two of the other common archers, Allan A'Dayle (played by Alan Doyle) and Will Scarlett (played by Scott Grimes), and as well as a soldier Little John (played by Kevin Durand), attempt to secretly return to their homeland after fighting abroad for the past 10 years. Along the way though they come across an ambush of Royal guards by Sir Godfrey (played by Mark Strong), an English knight that is collaborating with the French. Philip of France had ordered Sir Godfrey to assassinate King Richard. Having discovered that the King has already slain, Sir Godfrey is then chased off by the arrival of Robin and his companions. Aiming to return to England safely and richer in pocket than when they left it, Robin and his men steal the armour of the slain knights and, under the disguise of noblemen, head for the English ships on the coast. Before leaving the scene of the slaughter, Robin promises one of the dying knights, Robert Loxley (played by Douglas Hodge), to return a sword to the knight's father back in Nottingham.
     During the Channel crossing, Robin discovers an inscription upon the sword that reads "Rise and rise again, until lambs become lions," which is oddly familiar to him. Upon arriving in England, Robin (who has assumed the identity of Loxley) is brought to London and chosen to inform the Royal family of the King's death. He then witnesses the coronation for King John (played by Oscar Isaac) who is the younger brother of Richard. John orders harsh taxes to be collected and sending Sir Godfrey off to the North to do so. He has no idea that Sir Godfrey is actually a French agent who, using French troops, will use this Royal Decree to stir up enough unrest to cause a civil war in England.
    Robin and his companions head to Nottingham, where Loxley's old and blind father Sir Walter (played by Max von Sydow) asks him to continue impersonating his son, in order to prevent the family lands from being taken by the crown. Loxley's widow, Lady Marian (played by Cate Blanchett), is initially distrustful of Robin, but soon warms up to him when he recovers taxed grain for the townsfolk to plant. Later, during a celebration of the planting, Sir William Marshal (played by William Hurt), an old friend of Walter Loxley's, arrives in Nottingham to inform Sir Walter about a planned gathering of the northern barons. He then tells Robin that they met when Robin was a child. Afterwards, Walter tells Robin about his father and his past. Thomas Longstride was a stonemason and philosopher who drafted a charter of rights and inspired the people of the north to accept it. However, he was executed for treason when he refused to give up that charter to the King's soldiers.
Meanwhile, Sir Godfrey's actions have stirred up the northern barons, who march to unite and meet with King John. Robin arrives in Barnsdale, the site of his father's execution, and discovers the stone monument from which Thomas taught him the inscription which is engraved upon the hilt of the sword that he received from Sir Robert. He convinces John and the barons to agree to the signing of the charter of rights. Having realized Godfrey's deception, and knowing he must reunite his people in order to meet an imminent French invasion, the King agrees. A battle follows in which Robin and the northern barons attack Sir Godfrey's men while the latter are ransacking Nottingham — but not before Godfrey has killed the blind Sir Walter.
    The film climaxes with a French invasion on England's Dover Beach, opposed by an English army. In the midst of the chaos, Lady Marian attempts to kill Sir Godfrey but he gains the upper hand over her and then prepares to kill her. However, Robin intervenes and duels Godfrey himself. The English are victorious and Godfrey attempts to flee on horseback, but Robin shoots an arrow, from a long distance, which pierces straight through Godfrey's neck. When King John sees the French surrendering to Robin rather than to himself, he is extremely unhappy, and believing it to be a major threat to his power. Therefore, in the final scenes, King John not only reneges on his promise to sign the Charter of the Forest, but he also declares Robin to be an outlaw. In response to this action, Robin moves into Sherwood Forest with the lovely Lady Marian and his friends to form what will become known as the Merry Men of Sherwood Forest. "So," as the concluding scroll says, "the legend begins."

Friday, April 6, 2012

The Cutting Edge

     Although, this movie was originally released back in 1992. It is a very good movie in my opinion if you want a classic "chick flick."
     Kate is a world figure skater training for the 1988 Winter Olympics. She has the talent but years of spoiling has left her very impossible to work with. Douglas Dorsey is a former hockey player. His team goes to the Olympics where he literally runs into Kate on the way to the ice for the game. However, during the game he suffers an eye injury during that game in which his peripheral vision is damaged. He is forced to retire from the sport of hockey as a result of his injury.
     In the next four years leading up to the next Winter Olympics, Kate has driven away all her potential skating partners with her attitude and perfectionism. Her coach, Anton Pamchenko needs to find another replacement for her. That is when he proceeds to track down Doug, who by now is back home in Minnesota, working in a steel mill, living with his brother and playing in a semi-professional hockey league on the side. Desperate for another chance at the Olympics, Doug agrees to a tryout to work as Kate's partner, even though he has a macho contempt for figure skating. However, Kate's snooty, prima donna behavior gets on his nerves immediately. The first few practices between them do not go well. He agrees to stay on as Kate's partner. In time, though, their relationship grows warmer and warmer. They learn to work together and become a pair to be reckoned with both on and off the ice.
     To the surprise of everyone, they advance all the way to the finals in Albertville and seem to be one of the top pairs competing for the gold. Everything is going well until they realize that they have fallen in love with each other. Doug and Kate are forced to reconcile these new feelings with their mutual desire to win at all costs.
    Now just don't forget to "toe pick" and enjoy.